Welcome to my lvl 55 Build for Demonologist.
The Purpose of this Build is to combine Survivability trough the Items used, and the damage increases from Sorcery and Occultism while having a lot of CC´s and other utility’s from witchcraft.
This Build is mainly for PvP but you can use it in PvE too.
Items you should use:
For Items, you should have a Lake Illu or higher crafted Plate Armor Set!
From the Plate set, you will gain immense Physic defense and get a lot of magic damage from the Int and the Set Bonus.
As for Weapons, you should get a Scepter and a Shield.
The Shield will increase you Defenses even more and give you magic defense.
Since your magic defense is lacking from the choice of armor, it is important to use the Points properly in witchcraft.
Preferable a Scepter like:
and a Shield like:
Tempering and getting those to unique is more then enough to get a good damage value and defense.
The increase of magic Defense from the Shield passive bonus and the combined with a magic defense potion and the buff should provide you decent defenses in terms of magic damage.
You will not be able to get sleeped or feared, but you are vulnerable to stuns and impales for example (meaning the cloak for Honor might Help you in that aspect).
One of the main Combos will be to know when to use + properly and when you can use the and combine it with the passive from Occultism (++).
Using those Magic damage increasing ability’s and combining them with -> or -> , can provide immense burst.
Since you have a lot of Instant CCs you can combine them with and other longer lasting CCs to shut down pesky melees or group CC in mass PvP.
If a melee try’s to come close you can combo him with ->->-> if he then comes again you still have .
Advanced Melee Overkill: ->->->->->
Reasons to pick:
-> Removes Resistences / Immunity´s
-> for higher Range (good if you use Bublle more often since then you can build up more space between you and the falling enemy)
you could swap out one of the passivs from occult or maybe or
For 1v1 you should swap for one of the above or even for .
The Purpose of this Build is to combine Survivability trough the Items used, and the damage increases from Sorcery and Occultism while having a lot of CC´s and other utility’s from witchcraft.
This Build is mainly for PvP but you can use it in PvE too.
Items you should use:
For Items, you should have a Lake Illu or higher crafted Plate Armor Set!
From the Plate set, you will gain immense Physic defense and get a lot of magic damage from the Int and the Set Bonus.
As for Weapons, you should get a Scepter and a Shield.
The Shield will increase you Defenses even more and give you magic defense.
Since your magic defense is lacking from the choice of armor, it is important to use the Points properly in witchcraft.
Preferable a Scepter like:
and a Shield like:
Tempering and getting those to unique is more then enough to get a good damage value and defense.
The increase of magic Defense from the Shield passive bonus and the combined with a magic defense potion and the buff should provide you decent defenses in terms of magic damage.
You will not be able to get sleeped or feared, but you are vulnerable to stuns and impales for example (meaning the cloak for Honor might Help you in that aspect).
One of the main Combos will be to know when to use + properly and when you can use the and combine it with the passive from Occultism (++).
Using those Magic damage increasing ability’s and combining them with -> or -> , can provide immense burst.
Since you have a lot of Instant CCs you can combine them with and other longer lasting CCs to shut down pesky melees or group CC in mass PvP.
If a melee try’s to come close you can combo him with ->->-> if he then comes again you still have .
Advanced Melee Overkill: ->->->->->
Reasons to pick:
-> Removes Resistences / Immunity´s
-> for higher Range (good if you use Bublle more often since then you can build up more space between you and the falling enemy)
you could swap out one of the passivs from occult or maybe or
For 1v1 you should swap for one of the above or even for .
You cant realy take out the Lightning skills none of them, since they provide the sick burst dmg. Even if you would remove points you would have to miss on earthengrip instant cast which is basicly making the enervate+earthen combo not useable from witchcraft. And you would also have no real dmg skills left that way. So better wait till lvl 55 is out if you wanne try demo or totaly swap the focus of the Build into instant casts with max 1 cast skill.
u adapt this build for 50 without losing occult passives. minus 5 points so..
1)1 point from gods whip since its level 55
2)1 point from witchcraft wont affect passives- i choose to leave lassitude
3)1 point from occult wont affect passives- telekinesis or retribution
4)Arc lighting - has casting 2 sec
5)this is a though choice- i say insulating lens or intensified harm
Tell me your opinion. thx
Really enjoying this class. Been trying to perfect my demonologist now that I'm fifty. Read some of your comments on other builds and you seemed to know your stuff so I had to come check yours out. I love telekinesis too. I can't always argue that's it's good to have, but I can't force myself not to have it. It's too much fun to lift people off their boats and put them down on top of mine anyway. But yeah, it's amazing in group fights. Basically get to hold someone down while your friends beat him to a pulp.
Have you considered using Summon Wraith? Seems like it could go with with your combos, reprisal+locus+magic circle.
Choosing armor type is probably the biggest hurdle I've had in class building - so, interesting choice going for plate. Give you the survivability to take crits and make them wish they'd never touched you.
At 55 this works great, it's true that you just can't play it this way at 50, you need those passive occult skills.
Swapped Crippeling Mire for Mitigation, since you want to be crit´d and this will strengthen your surviveability even more.
total of 36 Meter Range on Whip, ask a archer if he can handle that. Changing the occult CDR passiv to the crit rate if u get hit by a crit is fine too, if u realy play that tower defense game with 2x m atack.