Arche-Base was created with the intention to provide ArcheAge Online players tools to better enjoying the game content.
We will provide you:
Version and update
Our version, same as the game, still in Beta phase which means you'll see constant changes.
Until the final NA/EU version release you will see changes.
We are optimized to Google Chrome Browser and updated browsers. Errors still should be reported via feedback.
Read the rules in this post: Arche-Base Rules
Good Job! How I can help?
This is a big project, and demands time to constantly update our data. It's free and always will be, but your "thanks" is always welcome.
I would like to just clarify:
This website is strictly for NA/EU ArcheAge, correct? If so, there is a wikia for the NA/EU ( and the skills should be updated accordingly.
If the answer to my question above is no, completely ignore this then.