Alright i made some changed to make this build able to tank 3rd boss aswell.Please leaave a comments below if u have sugestions or questions about the build, :) thanks
I though the Magic should would be good enough. guess again :)
So i would recomment you to use a Cloth set, but if u dont ahve that - leather is fine too. you want to aim for around 40% reduced damage (with purge on) to be able to do the boss with this build. The last teir leveling gear should do fine!
With the liberation combo you now have two magic res shields. being the first one.
You dont want to use them at the same time, that will result in 20 of hell for your healer.
Build as much aggro during the 5sec of and hope for the best. Since this boss isn't doing any physical damage your Mettle will be low during this whole encounter.
But use anyway.
If you for some reason get really low, or your healer gets sleeped ( are your teammate with witchcraft is also sleeping/slacking) use to buy you some more time.
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