Meet Shadowbane - Quite a nuisance & a monster when geared. (new favorite build since patch 1.7)
WIll give this build a 8-9/10 as it lacks mobility and has no real place in pve.
Makes a brilliant pvp tank though.
Have taken on 3 players with ease, although I was probably just more geared
(3 players where a daggerspell, Darkrunner and a demonologist)
Bringing home a whole new build. I am used to shroudmasters, Dreambreakers, Cabalist & Shadowknights, but I discovered this build and well, lets just say you don't die much anymore.
It is a balanced class with a nasty hidden combo. (Not explained here, niether is it a normal game combo)
You will probably look at this and think, this is rubbish, why those skills and infact you might be right, but with this build I have been thrashing players in Epherium armour and above with my GHA armour mixed with my obsidian breeches and jerking which are currently being used. I probably just get lucky, a lot.
If your interested please read on.
This build is designed to be ganked, beaten, flailed, and kicked down onto the floor. Problem for the attacking player or players, is that you get back up after there beating, depending on how far you have got with getting your gear you will most likely still have about 30%+ health left. This build is great for bluffing and demoralising, as you can heal back up to about 100% again within seconds.
Many of these skills can be swapped around as the build is good for Both pve, 1v1 and group fights.
PVE - Tanky, short-term Healer (No meditate, but has play dead, and CC for your dungeon group to watch there backs with //).
Pvp Group - Different style of gameplay but similiar. Will usually be the last to go down, concentrate on healing and snaring, and being as annoying as possible.
1v1+ - This is where the build really shines - your only Weakness = , , (Basically any stun locking and buff removals are weaknesses)
Afraid you will probably find this build is not to your liking until you the secret combo or work it out.
Skills I usually swap in and out as I am still undecided =
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Common builds I come across and win against on a regular basis:
- Blighters - They are fast food for this build
- Archer builds - You can out-heal, so no mobility needed, then you just catch them when they make a wrong move.
- Darkrunners - are quite easy due to high physical defenses.
- Shadowblades can be a nuisance
- Daggerspells, can be tricky, but there nothing special usually due to your very high magic defence.
- Shadowknights - They usually get a good start in the fights due to stealth, but they cannot heal like you.
Cloth Armour sets:
Stone is my personal favorite due to physical defence and mana boost, But Earth is good too, But up to you as I think like a tank.
Hope that's enough information to get you started if you want to try this build out for no reason at all :)
Update on pvp testing:
Been going round in equip points 2.4k taking on Players with 3-4.1k equip points and winning.
This build is getting more crazy trolly by the day. Also able to solo rifts with this build, which is quite impressive with such low equip points, and owning many players, still have trouble with dark runners with higher equip points when they are very skilled.
I find fiends knell is fantastic for disrupting magic users in fights.
WIll give this build a 8-9/10 as it lacks mobility and has no real place in pve.
Makes a brilliant pvp tank though.
Have taken on 3 players with ease, although I was probably just more geared
(3 players where a daggerspell, Darkrunner and a demonologist)
Bringing home a whole new build. I am used to shroudmasters, Dreambreakers, Cabalist & Shadowknights, but I discovered this build and well, lets just say you don't die much anymore.
It is a balanced class with a nasty hidden combo. (Not explained here, niether is it a normal game combo)
You will probably look at this and think, this is rubbish, why those skills and infact you might be right, but with this build I have been thrashing players in Epherium armour and above with my GHA armour mixed with my obsidian breeches and jerking which are currently being used. I probably just get lucky, a lot.
If your interested please read on.
This build is designed to be ganked, beaten, flailed, and kicked down onto the floor. Problem for the attacking player or players, is that you get back up after there beating, depending on how far you have got with getting your gear you will most likely still have about 30%+ health left. This build is great for bluffing and demoralising, as you can heal back up to about 100% again within seconds.
Many of these skills can be swapped around as the build is good for Both pve, 1v1 and group fights.
PVE - Tanky, short-term Healer (No meditate, but has play dead, and CC for your dungeon group to watch there backs with //).
Pvp Group - Different style of gameplay but similiar. Will usually be the last to go down, concentrate on healing and snaring, and being as annoying as possible.
1v1+ - This is where the build really shines - your only Weakness = , , (Basically any stun locking and buff removals are weaknesses)
Afraid you will probably find this build is not to your liking until you the secret combo or work it out.
Skills I usually swap in and out as I am still undecided =
, , ,
Common builds I come across and win against on a regular basis:
- Blighters - They are fast food for this build
- Archer builds - You can out-heal, so no mobility needed, then you just catch them when they make a wrong move.
- Darkrunners - are quite easy due to high physical defenses.
- Shadowblades can be a nuisance
- Daggerspells, can be tricky, but there nothing special usually due to your very high magic defence.
- Shadowknights - They usually get a good start in the fights due to stealth, but they cannot heal like you.
Cloth Armour sets:
Stone is my personal favorite due to physical defence and mana boost, But Earth is good too, But up to you as I think like a tank.
Hope that's enough information to get you started if you want to try this build out for no reason at all :)
Update on pvp testing:
Been going round in equip points 2.4k taking on Players with 3-4.1k equip points and winning.
This build is getting more crazy trolly by the day. Also able to solo rifts with this build, which is quite impressive with such low equip points, and owning many players, still have trouble with dark runners with higher equip points when they are very skilled.
I find fiends knell is fantastic for disrupting magic users in fights.
Its a great build and Acts like a templar but more cc and more damage, If you are up against a clever primeval you just wont win, it will usually end in a draw unless you catch them. Gods whip can be a pain in the ass, but just use fervent healing at the same time and usually it is fine. Skill that will get you killed in group situations = Telekinesis, unless you have a second healer, great land fighter, terrible for sea fights.
Combo is just bounce, takes off 25% to 45% health depending if they are Firran or not
Interesting build i have been watching a few videos and it seems it is a hidden gem, curious to know what is your rotation and what is this secret combo :)