- 1. Introductin
- 2. Gear
- 3. Rotation
- 4. End
The Defiler aaah i have a defiler and not to mention its utterly demolishes everything in its pathi believe the Defiler was created by one of the developers who have been tooken over by a strange demon and this demon plans were to make the most tanky annoying piece of shet ever that makes 5 or 6 leveling crews cry when they see it coming and yes thats the Defiler.
For gear you have two choices of everything Plate or Cloth Scepter/Shield ori personally roll scepter shield and plate cause if i want to kill a group im going to be taking alot of damage and really is no problem with good ol plat armor but when i feel like doing heavy damage the cloth and comes out and this is usully 1v1 situations like arenas or showdowns/duels.
you can change this up if you want but i always do this at the point of memorizing and damn is it effectivei start with (1v1 situation) then run to em then bring em low about 2k low with and they should be dead by then.
(1v1million situations) i fly in on them with my Dark Night Stealth Glider and then ill kabab them let my pet crow have a bite then the hard part prioritizing who to kill first you got 5 people that are usually in groups Healers Melee (darkrunners etc.) Tanks,Mages and Archers i always kill the people who do most damage or atleast stun so Melee and Mages is what i aim for when i figure this out with my iq higher then 20 i would start picking em of charge in by rooting them (( the tanks if there annoying)) then (( to ignore that damage its okay melee your next)) and Buster barrage .
this is the mop that ends them all groups falling one by one its a cool sight onec you see it for yourself but if you dont believe me go on youtube or google or something you will find one defiler taking out people in large groups.
Well this is My Sat (cough) Defiler build i hope you all enjoy and then again stay dead archageians.
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