- 1. Introduction
- 2. How Spellsingers Work
- 3. What Does a Spellsinger Wear?
- 4. Rotation
- 5. Interchangable Spells
- 6. Thanks for read my little guide
- 7. Video 5v5 [Arena]
Hello Guys im Netero, i play on Nebe EU.in advantage i will tell that my english is not the best but i wanted to do this long time a go.First of all i want to say thanks to StinkyFatShit for his spellsinger guide.Im spellsinger because of him so thank you very much. i will copy some information from there to make this quick. i will focus this guide on PvP i Hope you like my little guide.
How Spellsingers Work
This build is based around mostly instant cast combos into and hastened casting for the highest amount of damage output and crit chance for . It relies heavily on burst damage, from my point of view spellsinger its not a pvp 1v1 because we dont have any cc breaker or a lot of cc'sWhat Does a Spellsinger Wear?
7 Piece Cloth Set Bonus: -4% Cast Time / 50% reduction in cast time increase when hit while casting and chance of interruption / +5% Magic Damage / -30% Debuff Uptime (Reduces duration of things like Poison and Bleed)i will recommend you to get Auroria mystic gear to get started due its not very expensive and it also have one of the best pieces for spellsinger i've ever seen.
(We dont need the pasives from this set)
Auroria Mystic Hood <- THIS + Flawless Insightful Lunafrost you'll be casting in no time due 10% cast time reduction plus -2% general cast time reduction
Auroria Mystic Shirt
Auroria Mystic Sash <- its pretty good becasue its pasive.(5 more meters with )
Auroria Mystic Sleeves
Auroria Mystic Gloves <- its Awesome +10% more damage with also u can put this Honorbold Calm Lunafrost 16% critical damage. it works pretty good because after this you will get another 75% from
Auroria Mystic PantsAuroria Mystic Shoes
this is just an starter after this you can change your set for any other cloth wave set above epherium. But in my opinion dont change the hood because this build is based to get and 1 shot people with
For Jewellery get any appropriate tier (Aslo u can use the dream ring if u have it)
Ambitious CloakYou will need this for 1v1 arenas against Battlerage / Shadowplay builds.
Hopes for Peace im using this with Perfect Wave Lunafrost
Lionhearted CloakYou need this to keep from getting Lassituded into a Meteor by Daggerspells and Demonologists and what not
Any wave flute/Obsidian fute
any above epherium wave bow
Also you can put Cast time lunagems on them
This point....
I rather to go with Obsidian Staff than scepter. this is because my style of gaming. i really like being a glass cannon.
Also if you want to go with scepter+ shield i recommendyo to go with Obsidian Scepter + Jola's Eternal Grudge u can meteor ppl in 1v1 with this. Yes its -75% less dmg but its the only way that u can meteor someone in 1v1 with this build.
Also u can buy this thing from any weapon vendor for 140G(must have) Honor's Frenzied Nodachiput it on your action bars like a spell, along with your actual staff or scepter/shield and you click it to equip it, then click it again to become Enraged, then swap back into your normal weapon(s), and all of your spells do 25% increased damage, increase your cast time 6% if im not wrong and also increse your attack speed . but you will recive 75% more damage. i normally use it in 5v5 nodachi + + + .
the next rotation is for open pvp and the most output damage combo. you can reach 20-25k easy with thisif your enemy is not targeting you u can use before it hit use then and now u should have up and u can use +
in other case, your enemy targeting you can use before it hit use then to get a little fear on your enemy and use then u should have up and then u will use +
Interchangable Spells
I really enjoy this build. but the way u can change to and it works awesome too. First of all you and then back stab with its a good damage + stun also u can start combo with .You can change to that about your gamestyle.
and if you want to play 1v1 i recommend you to quit and change it for because this way u will recive less meteors from daggerspells, demonologist.
Thanks for read my little guide
Thank you very much for read. i accept your opinion, also if you want correct the guide becasue i know that i have a lot of mistakes. so sorry for making your eyes bleed. TT_TTHope you enjoy it!
yes it work perfect!
Would obsidian katana work with this build?