Replace with for solo, although the main thing you're going to be using is , into and some instacasted painfully critting . Best start for PvP is from .
some gameplay(not by me, daemin kim is the owner)
some gameplay(not by me, daemin kim is the owner)
10801... you in New Rochelle?
Nice guide
@Phorest no its not useless if somebody is still standing after your burst opening you can lunge in, preforation combo for the knockdown, Ice field for the stun, then backflip out and fireball for some hard hitting disengage and you'd probably kill him if he's still up he's probably tanky and you can just run away after that to get your mana/cd's and then if he chases you you can turn back on him after CD's and kill him
This is a fun build that levels at a decent speed. Only downfall so far are some mana issues.
Thanks for the guide :D