- 1. Introduction of Argent
- 2. Utility
- 3. Pointers / Scenario
Introduction of Argent
Argent is a versatile Beast Mode class.We have the mobility, damage output, CC-counters and most of all instant healing!
The class works well with Dual wielding and Shield mode.
This is the perfect class for people who like reactive combat and being in your opponents face constantly.
Starting with UtilityGets rid of slows & snares but can also be used to avoid critical hits due to it's 50% Phy.dmg reduction for 5s
Wakes you up from Stuns & Impales also gives you 50% Magic dmg Reduction.
This is your best friend vs Darkrunners and Mages who use Frigid Tracks.
- Basicly removes 26% of incoming Magic Damage for 8s but shines the most in combination with Antithesis.
This skill will stack up to 3 times and increases your ATK.Speed and lowers cooldown on Antithesis. It can also be used offensivly vs Healers or casters to reduce thier Healing capabilities and slow them when up close.
This skill basicly cuts recovery from debuffs. I'm not sure about the amount but just 1s makes a diffrence in combat. If up and close it increases your CC vs enemies.
This is the ultimate Magekiller skill. After each taken attack you will get stronger. This is a double-edged sword tho. It puts you on a timelimit and should not be used against any Phy.dmg enemy since it removes all your defense.
Dispels & Increases recieved healing with 15%. It can also be used to debuff your enemy and make them take 12% extra dmg and recieve less healing.
Always keep this up during combat. It makes you a lot harder to kill.
Pointers / Scenario
|| Initiation / First Move ||Freedom of choice. This is one of the benefits with this class. I've seen from experience that people rush thier combinations and are easy to read.
Here is an examples.
You are up against a Darkrunner. - Best choice in this setup is to let him attack first see what he does.
95% of all the Darkrunners will go for the "Stalker+Leech" move and when they fail this just go for the normal combo mash.
The best option is to take the Stalker's mark while teleporting behind him & use Mirror's Light to get rid of the Mark. (You can also use Tiger Strike but it's riskier) What you want to do is to get out of his field of view so that he can't shadowstep+Leech you instantly. Now.. When you get Leeched the most used option for a Darkrunner would be to continue his combo. -> Overthrow + Shadowsmite. When he pops that Overthrow you mash this .
Your next step is the "Brawl" It will be Battlerage on Battlerage basicly. Which you will 75% of all the battles come out ontop unless there is a huge gear diffrence.
During the brawl you need to keep this in mind. Always use and . You have two emergancy heals : Which can also be used to skip Global Cooldown and you have combo that can be used in the middle of your attacks for instant heals. Now if you keep your up you can cast 3 times in the duration of. It turns the tide of the battle to your favor in all cases.
Will update later.. When not at work. :)