After rescuing a de-aged Storm from the Shadow King, Gambit was brought back to the X-Mansion where he eventually joined the X-Men. As a mutant, Gambit possesses the ability to convert the potential energy in an object into destructive kinetic energy. Gambit utilizes this power mostly in the form of throwing kinetically charged playing cards which explode on impact, or by super charging his extendable bo staff.Marvel Source
Gambit and his fellow X-Man Rogue have an unsteady relationship, with a nearly equal mix of time together and time apart.
Puts out a good amount of DPS, but it is bugged damage.
Some things to keep in mind, this will get fixed:
You'll need to recast, it randomly stops attacking
You'll get "stuck," if you linger on an enemy
"Cheat Death" is there for a reason, sometimes you won't life steal or won't do damage
Have fun!