All In Gambit dps gambit leveling pve pvp
Guide by rufusmcdufus Last update at Nov 28th 2013, 22:01

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1  60
So I have caved and scrapped the melee build. T4 Red Doom taught said no. I've gone back to a hybrid build and it feels stronger. Currently I am at a point at level 60 where I can destroy T4 Green Doom but T4 Red Doom phase 3 is still giving me trouble. I'm at a point where I clear T4 Red Doom Phase 2 without dying though so I'm making progress.

For reference my previous build was maxing Bo Beatdown, All In, Street Sweeper, Kinetic Overcharge and Sleight of hand and did not throw cards at all. This new build there are several left over points that I have not placed yet. Where you put those is entirely up to you...this is the core of my current build. Please keep in mind I'm getting help from a lot of gear at this point.

Bo Combat Powers:

Savate Expert: It is not an exciting power but the extra defense and hp are very, very needed. Connecting with an All In is pulling my defense over the 40% mark and with Juggernaut medal I am just shy of 10,000 hp. I'm trying to get closer to 15,000 without losing killing power.

All In: This is my primary attack. Touch a mob, it dies. Deals great damage and with the right gear the spirit drain is negligible. In Midtown I often switch to a Magneto medal and swap out the regular metasensory for a Prism Shard and i can go all in indefinitely (even between packs) without running out of spirit. I will discuss gear below as I switch out my medal and artifact configuration regularly.

*Grand Slam: I may still put a point in this. So far since I changed builds I haven't had a need for it though.

Kinetic Mastery Powers:

Kinetic Overcharge: We all know what it does and every Gambit, melee, ranged or hybrid should be maxing it. Overcharge is very important to your DPS and you want it doing as much damage as possible.

Royal Flush: Ok, I was wrong about Street Sweeper being better. The single target damage on this at point blank in overcharge mode is disgusting. It is also very good for clearing trash. All In is probably still better for trash but mixing the two skills together is best. When your bar is full use Royal Flush to go into Over Charge, follow up with 1-2 more castings and then start spinning with All In making a B line straight for blues and yellows.

Dead Man's Hand: Damage on this skill is pretty solid but really it is only used for 2 reasons. 1) To regain spirit when you are low in conjunction with Red Suits (this should only be needed during boss fights) 2) During difficult boss fights when you need to keep your distance while your regenerating hp or if you are facing something that is 1 hitting you in melee. The damage of this skill with Overcharge is extremely good, switch to Black Suits to further increase that.

Kinetic Control: This skill is a lot better for a pure range build. When I throw cards I'm usually close up and I use All In 70% of the time. However, putting a point in this does get you a nice chunk of spirit and Gambit is easily one of the most spirit hungry characters I've played (and I'm a UP owner).


Sleight of Hand: Max this, you will die without this. You will still die with this skill but a lot less than you would without it. Gambit is pretty squishy and playing him effectively has a somewhat steep learning curve. Expect to die quite a bit on while you are figuring him out. I'm currently sitting at 78 defeats (granted 30+ came from T4 Red Doom...I am persistent). I will reset that with prestige later on once I have solved this Doom puzzle.

Red Suit/Black Suit: 1 Point in each...further points do so little that it is not worth investing in. The exception being if you do not have gear to get you to Red Suit rank 6 for 2 spirit restore per hit invest a point or two until you reach that threshold. I leave these as skills on my bar and I switch between them on the fly frequently. If my spirit is above 200 I leave on Black Suits if it ever drops below I switch back to Red Suits until my spirit is full. In boss fights I tend to use Red Suits exclusively for the extra hp leech so that I can All In face tank.

Sticky Fingers: I feel like a lot of people avoid this skill but really I think 1 point is mandatory (and no more than 1 point) as with your plus skill gear you will notice a difference and anyone around you will also benefit from it. There is really no reason not to take it. With gear and 1 point I'm getting an extra 6.4% find and 8 more credits. It is not exciting but it will add up and requires no effort.

Ragin Cajun: Use it, use it often. It is an instant Overcharge button. Great skill. While the base dodge/crit bonuses are very nice this doesnt scale particularly well with additional points. It is still the most likely canidate for me to dump my remaining points in if i don't take a utility skill like Fold Em or Grand Slam (which haven't felt necessary yet).

Good Times Roll: You are forced to take this and it is your best movement power and doubles as your stun breaker. I've read a lot of people complaing that this is too short and too slow but when spammed Gambit moves pretty fast.

Gear: As I mentioned early I switch out my artifacts and medals frequently. I will be talking about each that I use.


Cosmic Anything: I have a cosmic Sauron medal on Gambit and sometimes I just want that extra skill point and so I will occasionally use it. Typically this is used as Metasensory arrays come off and my Red Suit drops below rank 6.

Juggernaut: This has become my default medal in T4 Red terminals as it greatly increases the chances of me staying alive. You are using this for the hp and defense. As mentioned with this I go over 40% defense while using All In.

Magneto: This medal is great if you are having spirit issues. I don't use this as much as I used to as I have other gear to help mitigate this. I was rocking an 8 spirit All In for awhile with this and Prism Shard and with the staff I was gaining 6.6 spirit per second (if attacking a single target).

Grim Reaper: This is my midtown medal. You will clear so much trash that both hp and spirit should be full all the time.

Ideally, I would love a Cosmic Juggernaut, Grim Reaper or Magneto medal. One day...

Artifacts: First off I do not have a Pyms Shrinking Serum. If you have one, give it to Gambit he will get a lot of mileage out of it.

Metasensor Array x2: These are your default artifacts, when you aren't sure exactly what you want take +skills and damge! They come off when I need other artifacts' abilities more.

Advanaced Starstone Tooth: For hard content you will want the leech this provides. In midtown you can get rid of it if using Grim Reaper. It is close to mandatory if using Magneto.

Advanced Super Soldier Serum : I usually keep the advanced one on as it offers so much extra life and regen. The extra spirit is welcome too. My Gambit has a regular one of these still in his stash, I don't double up on this often. Could be a good call on T4 Red Doom.

Fearsome Fist of F-ing Awesomesauce: Absurd damage increase if you need it. I usually bring this in when I don't need the Starstone Tooth...which is odd because they work so nicely together. This was an always on artifact before I found my advanced Metasensory Array.

Power Prism Shard: This is used to reduce All In's spirit cost and increase its critical rating. I use it a lot less in my hybrid build than I did in my melee build. You will likely use this for awhile as you are getting geared up.

Relic: Lemuria. If you are going to be using All In and getting in the baddies faces you will have to use Lemuria.

Insignia: Please tell me...I have no clue what I should be using. Right now I'm using a Shadowcat with Brutal Strike Rating

Ring: Just find one with lots of cool abilities.

Actual Gear: I am currently spoiled and sporting all of Gambit's uniques except the X-Ternals Mantle which I have not found yet. That said I have a very awesome cosmic trench coat that I think I like more than the mantle. If you don't have uniques obviously you want cosmics. Below are affixes that you want to look for:

+Health and any type of Health Regen/Leech - These should be your number 1 priority. Gambit can't kill things if he's dead. (*Note: Gambit can kill all the things if he is Death...come on enhanced Costume)

-Spirit Cost (Bo/Kinetic) - Shoot for at least -16% to each tree.

+Spirit and any type of Spirit Regen - Once you have your costs under control you want as much spirit and ways to get spirit back as possible. Try to get at least +20 spirit on enemy defeat...after that point start diversifying into other forms of spirit leech or you will struggle on boss fights. You want at least 300 spirit (400 is better).

+ All to Skills/Trees - Vagabond is far less important than plus to Bo/Kinetic. +All In is basically as good as +Bo Skills.

+ Damage - Obviously more damage is good.

+Defense - Gambit has a pretty high dodge rate so it is better to use your gear to focus on defense. Ideally you want to reach at least 40% while spinning your staff.

+ Move Speed - As much as you can get

+Critical Rating/Damage- Get yourself close to 40% and then start focusing on upping your damage.

+Brutal Rating/Damage - Not as good as critical but still nice to have. Target of 10% here.

+Attack Speed - All In is not affected by this so it is less important than in other builds but it still helps out your other attacks. Try to get DMH to 2.0 attack speed if you can.


Death's Black Staff: Because of the +3-4 spirit on hit you are going to be hard pressed to roll a better cosmic. It also grants a very cool proc, +4 to Bo Skills and has some other solid stats.

X-Ternals Mantle: The plus to health is very significant and the durability could be very welcome after the changes to stats. I haven't found this and don't remember the other stats though. I remember it looked good though. I'm currently rocking cosmic that has -8% to both Bo and Kinetic powers, +86 spirit and +3186 regen per min.

Blindfold: This thing is sweet. -9% spirit cost to all powers, invuln proc, +1 to all stats and hp AND spirit regen when picking up orbs and credits. It even gives you radar! A better cosmic could be rolled (you would lose the radar if you care about it) but it will be challenging to do so.

Marauder Boots: I found these very early and upgraded them as I progressed. The speed is noticeable and this may be why I have never found Gambit's roll to be slow? Mine has +3 on All In and a lot of relevant spirit related abilities. A better cosmic can definitely be rolled...but the boots are still nice.

Jenning's Volition Repeating Rifle: I found this very late (lvl 58) and this unique alone is responsible for me switching from melee back to hybrid. The +kinetic on each hit makes this better than any cosmic you could have in this spot. I was using this even as a Bo only Gambit. Eventually the temptation of that +5 to Kinetic mastery skills and +251 damage to ranged powers got to me though. Yeah...+5. This thing is awesome.

Costume: I currently running +Critical Rating in all 4 slots and my core is +1 Fighting, +1 Speed. The ideal core is +1 Fighting and 1% leech. This weekend I will likely be building Gambit a +health costume to try and help with T4 doom.

Legendary and Blessings: Not there...yet...