Bokou's Stabby Deadpool deadpool dps leveling pve pvp
Guide by Bokou Last update at Jun 18th 2013, 22:27

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This is a MELEE Deadpool build. There are plenty of generic ranged builds (including my own soon) out there and I wanted to try something different that is still effective.

Use all dodge% affix on your costume and get as much dodge as you can on your items. You're not a tank so you need the dodge in melee to be useful. Drop Foot Gougers, Stink Bomb, then Slice 'n' Dice away while hitting Get Better Faster whenever you need. If you are in a tough area and the mobs don't die really fast then go ahed and use Lil' Deadpool as well to distract some of them off you. If the mobs die too fast don't waste your time with it. Use Teleport to get away when you find yourself taking on more than you can heal.