In the early days of World War II, a covert military experiment turned Steve Rogers into America's first super-soldier: Captain America.Marvel Source
During the war, Cap served as a symbol of freedom and America's most effective special operative. In the closing days of the war, Captain America disappeared in an explosion over the North Atlantic and was presumed dead.
Decades later, his body was discovered trapped in ice, preserved in a state of suspended animation! Upon his revival, Captain America joined the Avengers and once again took up the heroic battle against evil.
This build focuses on building up shield points instead of spending it. Using Opening Strike instead of Shield Strike helps to build up shield points really fast and together with the additional points in Warrior's Heart, you will be able to max out your shield points in no time (especially in the event that your gear has points into powers that spend your shield points, i.e. Shield Expertise). The whole idea of building up shield points faster is so that you will maximise the defense rating benefit you get from Combat Veteran earlier.
Quick Block is definitely a given as it has always been a bread and butter of Cap's powers. With this power, you do not really need to gear for dodge as if you are able to use this power at the right time, you will find yourself at full health most of the time, especially if you are at max shield points and gaining the full benefits from Combat Veteran. In the event of accidents, Mdm Hydra's medal can be quite a life saver together with Super Soldier Serum and Relic of Lemuria will help bring your life back up real quick. Defensive Prowess helps in deflecting those projectiles which will otherwise add to you taking damage.
For those who want to feel like they are really Cap America in the comics, cartoons or movies, Shield Bounce does the trick, especially now that they have buffed it, enemies go down even faster now (which means you clear groups of mobs pretty fast now, making this a good AoE power). Shield Expertise is NOT worth placing points into even though it adds a stun to your Shield Bounce as it uses up Shield Points which you preciously need for Combat Veteran.
Aggressive Shout is used instead of Encouraging Shout to give Cap more impact in his attacks as a lot have been complaining about the lack in his damage done overall. As for this build, you only have 2 main sources of attack, Opening Strike and Shield Bounce. The attack speed in Opening Strike is already fast enough and increasing its speed isn't going to help much in increasing the damage done especially when fighting bosses. And Shield Bounce doesn't have an attack speed, which in turn doesn't benefit from Encouraging Shout.
This combination will make you more tanky and not die so easily without compromising too much on damage.
UPDATE 1: Moved majority of the points from Defensive Prowess to Leaping Strike so that you will have an additional power to use. Didn't place points into Leaping Strike previously due to the bug, I hope that they have fixed it.
UPDATE 2: With the changes to Athletic Leap to give a passive crit, I've moved some of the other points around to maximise dps while compromising on his defense. Changed his artifacts as well. A more detailed description coming soon.