Excalibur-Era Nightcrawler dps nightcrawler pvp
Guide by seanwmcginnis Last update at Feb 2nd 2014, 11:24

Points Available: 0
Brimstone Blitz 1
1  60
I love to stack DOTs, so this is my attempt; it marries the bleeds from Kurt's swordsman tree to clouds of Brimstone, and adds some ninja-style moves to leverage the buff from his unique cloak. The idea is to stealth, dive bomb in, cloud, and then go to town. The trash should all be dead at that point, so Flash and Grab for multiple opponents or X-Slash against a hard target.

For really tough fights, fight dirty -- drop your cloud and lay a bleed on them, and then stealth up.

I might drop dive bomb and spread the points out if it doesn't seem to be doing much good, though it seems to do such great damage...

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