GlassCannon Farming + Group DPS V2.1 for Patch 1.2 dps hawkeye pvp
Guide by Sabrael Last update at Sep 6th 2013, 18:07

Points Available: 0
Avenging Arrow 1
1  60

This is MY Hawkeye, Feel Free to Copy It. I won't tell you how to play yours, don't tell me how to play mine <(^ ^,)>

Now with pictures/icons for items/skills!

Rather than down voting, I would promote discussion, if there is something you don't like, please lets talk about it and theorycraft. The way I see it, is that if new Hawkeye's come and aren't sure of a build, I've offered a pretty solid build for beginners onward.

Guys, there are some MAJOR Hawkeye Overhauling happening in the next patch... Stay Tuned for this!!

Alright guys, big changes here... well not really... I think I could allocate some points in a few different places but this is what I've got

Simply put, this build is made for the most damage in area and single target mobs (bosses n stuff).

Naturally, filling out 20/19/15 QA/TwA/TripA is important with the synergies (15 in Trip since all "Premium Skills" cannot surpass 15 at this time). TripA for LeftMouseButton and TwA for RightMouseButton. Alternate LMB RMB LMB, etc. This will exponentially increase your overall DPS since every 2 TripA you can fit a TwA in the cooldown time.

This no longer applies. Weaving is obsolete as they have increased all attack speeds to match Quick Arrow at 3.0 (for some, more or less). Now the fundamentals is getting the passives as high as you possibly can.

These are the max ranks you can level the basics, but with the synergies, this is a pretty large amount of bonus damage 50% from just getting 20 points into

**Add** - Quick Arrow is the Perfect solution for boss fights though... BUT, new patch and notes as per MichaelMayhem and Co. in the Hawkeye subforums state that some BIG changes coming...


Twin Arrow's attack speed has been sped up to match that of Quick Arrow, to make the power easier to use.

Triple Arrow's attack speed has been sped up to match that of Quick Arrow, to make the power easier to use.

Wave of Arrows - This power now fires 2 additional arrows at rank 1, to better differentiate it from Triple Arrow when first unlocked. It's range and attack speed have also been increased to make the power easier to use.

Piercing Arrowheads - The activation chance was retuned to have constant, flat growth, and approach 100% chance at maximum possible ranks.

Masterful Archery - The power has been changed to act as a second type of crit. The power no longer grants bonus damage to all Archery powers, but instead has an improved chance to deal a large amount of bonus damage (and damage over time) when striking an enemy with an Archery power.

Explosive Arrow's damage has been increased by 15%.

Tear Gas Arrow's damage has been increased by 15%.

Shrieking Arrow's damage has been increased by 15%.

Freezing Arrow area of effect radius has been increased.

We have some exciting future plans for the world's greatest archer. This set of changes will improve his quality of life as a ranged attacker who primarily focuses on multiple targets. As always, we will continue to monitor your feedback and improve our heroes in future updates.

This is MEGA news! This will kind of eliminate any need to Weave, (Which is hard for some people, but now shows the FEROCITY of the Archery tree! My build will probably change a bit in the near future to reflect this Patch!! STAY Tuned.

EDIT 19/08/13 - The Big Overhaul

Okay, so as you can see, the build changed a bit... or a lot... After talking with MichaelMayhem, turns out Twin Arrow can only get to 19 Natural
, so that means Triple will only get to 15
. Which is sucky for the hoping for high rank 20 damage... But it means some more points into the passives.

So first big change is the 19/19/19
in the passives, and 1 into Vibranium
- this is because with [item]100[/item] with at least 70+ Def pen roll, you won't need more to hit the def pen "soft cap".

Edit Some people have asked why do I get so many points into precise when it drops off, and I specifically say it does; this is because I'm holding off for the rework/buff from 1.2 that has kind of circulated on the forums... With the defense change, I can see every point being pretty useful. Again, stay tuned this might be tweak, but as it is, I like it a lot right now, I'm doing some mega damage.

Getting Crit of course is a necessity, synergizing with the Crit Artifacts and Lady DeathStrike Medallion. If you're farming for heroes, switch cores to a 20+% SiF instead of a +1 Fighting, else, get Fighting for Max fighting. Get Bullseye medal. It's a much better medallion for Hawkeye.

Now, some will disagree with me into getting
because it falls off pretty fast around 15, and I have to agree. But I'm a sucker for it, in hoping that it will become like Hulks World Breaker skill, (3rd Tree, about mid way up if you go and look). And maybe it will get the appropriate boost it needs.

EDIT Also note that new cores have been released. Focus on getting +1 Fighting and +SiF and one of the new affixes most definitely Lifesteal (if this is indeed being added) this will keep you alive longer... though I'm sure T3 Red will still one hit you. EDIT: Lifesteal is borked. Don't waste credits. Get +1 Fight +1 Str or +1 Fight +1 Ener, or the invulnerable after medkit core.

07/08/13 EDIT I am running 20% SiF, 1 Energy, 1 Fighting and I love it. I think the energy synergy really runs well with the new trick arrow fixes. Definitely a plus to damage. However, Hawkeye is really crappy atm... with all the buffs to the other heroes out there.

EDIT 09/08/13 I have since switched out my Lady Deathstrike for Bullseye's Medallion [item]172[/item], also am running a Meta Sensory Array and put 1 point into Vibranium
.... And let me tell you... this Changes so much! Before I was hitting between 600-800 pretty consistently with Quick Arrow and around 500-700 crits with Triple (though the Weave, in my mind, is still better dps)... The new set up (as describe) has me critting 1500-1600!!! With Scarlet Witch or Cable I was critting 2700!?!? At level 49!! I feel like that's pretty solid! But I think he should be able to crit that on his own.

Tear gas in our number 1 AoE dmg dealer, does a stupid amount of damage if you kite with it properly. Shrieking arrow is pretty much guaranteed, get this to about level 10, or else bosses will just ignore it. 2 Manned T2 Red Doom with a Scarlet witch with just using my tear gas and shrieking arrows to keep him off of us. I'd say that's pretty badass.

Edit 19/08/13 With this change, even though 15% more damage went into TGA
and Shrieking
. These are the biggest changes and were reflected into the Archery tree. Before 1.14, I felt I had excess points for Hawkeye and knew exactly where I was going to put everything come 60, but since the patch, I feel now, he's very point starved... That being said, I now only have 1 point in TGA and 5 into Shrieking. Hopefully you have gear that provides +1 to all ranks etc. that way, you can get these to 5-10~ on their on. Shrieking should be around 10 to get a good effect for the spirit used... Finding gear with Grants +8 to
with +ranks from gear should push both to around 13~. TGA crits, even for me at level 6
around 130... and I use it now, mostly to TAG mobs in MM, and just DPS them down with Triple or Twin.

The 1 into Piercing Arrowheads is just to hopefully get it to go through mobs, but if you're dps'ing constantly, they should be dead before they get to you anyways. This will probably change dramatically very soon
EDIT- And it did. Get many points into this :).

Granted, I'm not level 60, only 51, but I know this is what I'm aiming for when I'm 60.

Also note, Hawkeye is, by far, the highest DPS Single Target hero. (But is garbage at AoE)

Ronin Charge
helps for Movement as it costs slightly less spirit (for what it does) than Getaway Roll, it also has greater range, and knock down is always great. (Getting an item with -% spirit)

Our ultimate is garbage, I could really not use it, mines rank 5? I think. I hardly find it worth it, used it in Limbo a few times, still think it's a piece. Use it in Midtown vs. Jugg, works well. That's it though.

Anyways, I find Hawkeye lacking in survivability, but he makes up for it in sheer damage.

Lemme know your thoughts or things you do. This is my personal build, hope it helps or you enjoy the read.

I am looking for an edge of Infinity too, so currently I'm running 2 Skrull Targetting computers.

EDIT Since the change, I only am running 1 Skrull Targeting and I'm looking for an EOI or Kree... But to no avail currently :*(

EDIT Artifacts I am now running an EOI [item]75[/item] and Meta [item]100[/item], and I LOVE IT.


Item Theorycrafting

Items for my Hawkeye are pretty standard for a regular dps'er.

Bow - +Phys Dmg
+Attackspeed General
+Attackspeed (Archery)
+ +# Ranked to Any
or anything in the Archery Tree or Tear Gas
+ +15 Health per basic skill (Lifesteal)
+ Anything that's going to help with straight damage

Mask- +Crit (lots), Crit is much better than AS, since any Crit is worth 1.5 Attackspeed
+Ranks into any of the above stats, movespeed or Attackspeed
+Special Item Find if you're farming

Chest- +Health per min, defense or dodge, depending on your play style. I prefer Health per, since rangers still clip me every once in awhile
+Defense, other defenses are good too, but regular across the board
+Spirit or +Health, Spirit for Spammers, Health if you Feel Squish

Boots- +Movespeed is key, always if you can get it, look for MS buffs, it will help with your kiting
+Ranks in the above, defensive stats are good to get too
+Special Item Find if you're farming

Quiver- +Health per min
+Ranks in the above stats/skills again


I have yet to receive any form of Cosmic item, but I am quite positive that if you roll any of the above +ranks or stats from above with their respective pieces the +1 from the cosmic as well as the special ability will shoot your dps even higher.

I have Cosmics, they suck, but the Orbital Ion Cannon (Devastation) is pretty good with our attackspeed and basics... But other than that, the +1's to all ranks is the only really good thing... They feel underpowered... but yeah.. whatevs


Getting skills into the 30's will really benefit. My crit is 30
? I think from items, giving me about 40% natural crit, basically saying 1 in 2.5 shots are likely to crit... which makes my overall damage immense.
Be advised that Precise Aim drops off after 20... They are adding some sweet mechanics, so again stay tuned!

Anyways, if you have any more info or ideas to better this for other Hawkeyes or new Hawkeyes, please feel free to leave it. I'll be happy to update this guide/build etc. Thanks

~~When Item Building~~

Since 1.14 dramatically changed the way some HE's built their heroes...

Any items that have ranks in the following:
are going to really benefit you, and I recommend looking for these kind of items.

EDIT - Forgot to add 1 Rank into Combat Training
. Passive dodge is always a bonus to have among the other great things it provides. Aka Survivability, which Hawkeye severely lacks.

EDIT 2 ADDED 1 point into Nullifier arrow
to Mess up any Magneto runs or Mandarin runs. Nullifier stops Magneto's bubble... Win. Just straight up. Same with Electros ground destroyer.

EDIT 3 Changed the Torch for Kree Hyper-Optics since on one has yet to find the torch. I plan on KEEPING this build the same even with the changes to Hawkeye. I think the TASER arrow changes and FREEZE arrow changes are not enough to warrant a change from my current goal. I'm praying for more synergy or spirit regen from one of the trees, but we can only hope.

EDIT 4 Okay Guys. After some time spent in Midtown at levels 42-48, I can tell you SHRIEKING ARROW BUILDS are a Must. Therefore, this Build is almost a standard at this point. We're talking 30 mobs at once converging on you, you need to keep them off you, or you're DEAD MEAT! No joke, Tear gas doesn't quite put out as much as we'd like, but it still DoTs, which is good. But Shrieking keeps you alive, and I can't stress this enough.

I've put probably 130 deaths since entering midtown (or more) and I know, that this number would be double-triple if not for Shrieking Arrow.

EDIT 9/8/13 Nothing Happened for Hawkeye... This is to keep this up to date... Hoping for Hawkeye to get some major buffs...

14/08/13 - I have a feeling Hawkeye is about to get a lil awesome... Get ready to be the best Avenger!

21/08/13 - Bump for update... nothing new for Hawk atm, 1.2 is coming soon guys!! Pretty psyched!


Okay, so this is where the numbers start to come into play. I know the guide is very full, but I wanted to show the progress that Hawkeye has made with the recent patches and how he's changed from relying on one set of skills to something pretty different...

Now, after talking with my compatriot Leloric, we spoke on the Test Center, that using
in some cases is BETTER than
... due to the %chance to proc the passives and any cosmics.... The % chance of Twin is 50% since it shoots 2 arrows, and 33% for Triple... However... After trying this, I do seem to see more N'gaai and Death Rays from my bow... but I think, in the end, I do more damage with Triple...

I've been watching and trying to write a script in Eclipse to record the number of damage I do, but to no avail... But I can hit 800-1000 PER Arrow crit on triple and only about 1200 per arrow on Twin. Which means about 600-700 more from Triple if you can it all to crit.

So I'm going to stick with Triple. It's my bread and butter. With
the activation pass through chance is huge, so this damage is astronomically better AOE than TGA
mobs just MELT.

NOTE- I have NO desire to build a WoA build, I hear good things from other Hawkeyes, but I am not that kind of Hawkeye, so I will NOT be building it unless I see something GODLIKE come out of it.

I am CONSTANTLY updating this build so please check back, and if you know new Hawkeye's that want to see a build, have them look and like this if they like it. Or comment and I'll be happy to share anything that I've learned.

Fun Note
I tried going up and Ronin Assaulting
things and I straight up crit 3k... Maybe a martial art build in the future for fun? I dunno :) lol... but it was saweetttt!!