Thor 1.3 Meleemaster dps pvp thor
Guide by kmdave Last update at Sep 30th 2013, 06:28

Points Available: 0
God Blast 1
1  60
Ok this is pretty much the basic build for 1.2

Godblast is dealing a lot of damage, but it is in no way OP.

You will see these huge crit numbers but you also have to keep in mind the cooldown on it. So it is not 50K dmg every second but only 8-10k on crits.

Rotation is basically to use Storm Strike to generate Odinforce, either kill trash packs with Godblast or use Asgardian Frenzy.

When in Frenzy it is still enough to cast AF again with one pip of Odinforce to keep the 6 Pip effect.

Use Storm Strike to regain Odinforce or Hammer Strike to regain health with AF active.