Punch face hulk dps hulk pvp
Guide by Dio Last update at Aug 24th 2013, 22:42

Points Available: 0
Worldbreaker 1
1  60
Here is the premise , punch em in the face till they fall down (usually one shot).

Srsly though its a fairly straight forward build geared around mostly basic melee attacks (Im using Furious punch but you can change around the points and use whatever one you prefer) and crits (hulk mad).

Use crushing leap to get close then earthquake to reel em in and whale away. Even with only one point in these (assuming you have a few cosmics and the points form the artifacts) coupled with hulk mad your earthquake leap should be killing every trash group you meet.

The attack speed on artifacts is to build anger quicker (and for affix you should have max attack speed in first 3 tiers then HP for 4) and the doom medal is to make your rancors and rampage last longer. With a 39% doom medal on its enough to get your anger back up to 5 well before rampage wears off (assuming you pop it at 5).

At lvl 47 with this build in mind Im tearing shit up. With the right skills you can solo any boss groups in midtown

Hope it helps
