GR's Sacrificial AoE Chains. dps ghost rider leveling pve pvp
Guide by BohemianRhapsody Last update at Dec 21st 2013, 12:28

Points Available: 0
Hell on Wheels 1
1  60
Max Skills:
Chain Lash
Chain Snare
Chains Ablaze

Spirit of Vengeance

10 Pointers
Infernal Will

Burn The Treads

1 Pointers and Passives
Protect The Innocent
Penance Stare

Infernal Contract
Hell From Above


Left Mouse: Chain Lash
A: Inferno
S: Wheelie/Ziggurat of Kargul
D: Chain Snare
F: Judgement
G: Dread
H: Chains Ablaze
Right Mouse (1): Burn The Treads
Right Mouse (2): Penance Stare
Right Mouse (3): Infernal Contract

Power Prism Shard or Pluvian Superconductor
Almost everythign you have is an AoE. Decide if you want to do more damage, or have a higher radius/lower costs
Ziggurat of kargul
This one's personal preference. I HATE GR's movement options, so teleporting's nice. Crit never hurt anyone either.
Idol of Knoshu
This is what makes Chain Lash such a good skill. Chain lash gets the damage bonus from IoK on EVERY hit.
Extremis Serum B
This is what keeps you alive after you pop Infernal Contract.

Dr. Octopus
You have a lot of AoE, this makes it better. You can also use Venom if you feel Extremis Serum B isn't enough. I think the new Malaketh Medallion does thigns for GR as well. I havent used it.

Costume Core
I'm actually not entirely sure what to put here. Life Leech seems like an obvious choice. 25/25 health packs would be good too.

As always, Lemuria is a solid chouice for anyone. Most people prefer Subterennea for GR for that extra defence. It scales quite well too!

Start off with Chain Snare, drop down an Inferno, either Chain Lash until everything's dead, or throw a Burn The Treads or 2 their way. Maybe throw a few Judgement in there as well. it IS AoE, does great damage, and heals you. And of course, make sure you have Chains Ablaze running.

Pop Infernal Contract, pop Chains Ablaze, use Chain Snare, Inferno, Burn the Treads a few times, Judgement until out of Spirit, Chain lash until back up. Rinse/Repeat. Make sure you're standing in hellfire to get the full effect of infernal Will + Whatever regen you have.

Side note: I do have 1 point in Ride and Hell From Above, but I don't actually sue them. Hell From above is nice for crossing small gaps, Ride looks cool, and leaves a trail of Hellfire.