test build dps gambit leveling
Guide by Novawave Last update at Dec 11th 2013, 18:22

Points Available: 0
Cherie 1
1  60
I'm attempt to make a build that's fun but yet effective. I tried the card build but it was just to boring. So am working on my own build. I noticed that most people are going with the range relics. The reason for the reaper medal is due to Gambit poping med kits like poprocks.

People may wonder why I put 5 in red suit sense you need range to use and this clearly isn't a range build. The reason for that is max rank slight of hand throws a card pretty often. Which activates red suit. So I personally think it's worth investing points into.Unqiue blind fold is also very helpful as it helps heal you when you pick up money.

The build is unfinished. Feed back is welcome, good or bad.