marvelonics 2.1 (testing) dps ms marvel pvp
Guide by MatthewClarke Last update at Jan 14th 2014, 01:13

Points Available: 0
Binary Overdrive 1
1  60
flying lunge: this move is no joke. this move can hit hard, heal you, increase dmg/spd for you and your party. all while staying mobile and keeping out danger at cost of pretty much nothing. to do this you must combine the use of artifacts and her uniques. but once you do, you are a god.

flight of the warbird: this passive goes hand and hand with flying lunge. when you use a movement power you and your party gain attk spd, move spd and dmg. This makes you a viable asset to anyone around you, while also reaping the benefits. this move sells it self.

crashdown strike: this move hits hard in a large area, does DoT damage, causes knockdown and applys vulnerability to enemy's on a cool down for four seconds. lead into battle with this and apply every four seconds.

photonic wave: this move is mainly her trash pack killer, which also applys DoT damage. if somehow lives longer then one hit the dot will finish it. double the damage and DoT damage on a full photonic charge. apply regulary to bosses as needed.

radiant Cascade: her signature move that covers you in this massive energy bubble doing damage to everything around while negating 50% of incoming damage. it also generates photonic energy.

10 points:

rather then choose a single passive to max out, I instead choose to spread out the points evenly to further benefit her all around adding to her survivability. adding in her uniques will further her passives past the 20 mark.

kree toughness
photonic regeneration
energy absorption

1 point wonders

defiant escape: cc breaker

cruising altitude: gets you around the map faster

energy infusion: I dumped 4 points into here just for the sake you ever get hit really hard and need a quick heal, this will do the trick.