Twonutchuck's Wolverine 2.1 Build dps pve pvp wolverine
Guide by Twonutchuck Last update at Jan 26th 2015, 21:03

Points Available: 0
The Best There Is 1
1  60

Very good leveling and farming build. Insane brutals (upwards of 300k brutals prior to 60)
Unique: Bone Claws are amazing

Link to 2.1 live allocation of points: Wolverine 2.1

20 points into the following talents:
Bloody Slash (bleeds lead to more fury then Hack 'n' Slash)
Rending Sweep (great for 10% debuff and standard cleave)
Brutal Slash (Insane crits/brutals, make sure to use it after Rending Sweep)
Healing Factor (Main health regen)
Adamantium Skeleton (straight defensive stats)
Feral Senses (Crit and defensive stats)

1 point allocation into the following:
Cage the Beast
Unleash the Beast
Berserker Fury
Can't Keep my Down
Quick Slash, Eviscerate, and Furious Lunge (standard)