Twonutchuck's Dr. Strange 2015 1.13 Mental Build dps moon knight pve pvp
Guide by Twonutchuck Last update at Jan 26th 2015, 21:01

Points Available: 0
Moon Copter 1
1  60

Missing artifact: Mental Focus Headband

The essential goal is to have a rotation of abilities that allow for your Mysticism to cap (5/5 points) as fast as possible and as much as possible, allowing for the most damage.

Thus far, he's quite fun.

Preliminary rotation:
(use on elites on cd) ->
(use on cd); use
as needed or for additional Mysticism pips.

In my opinion,
does more damage per second then
, while having a shorter cool down. There are pros and cons to both, it will really depend which fits your play style.

-- Is really good for cosmic terminals, just summon on CD and keep your rotation going.

Legendary: The Warlock's Eye
Core Affixes: Health or Crit Damage (if you feel like you have enough health for cosmics or can use
properly to keep enemies off you