Tank captain america dps leveling pve pvp
Guide by rnonox Last update at Apr 4th 2014, 17:44

Points Available: 0
Avengers Assemble 1
1  60
Stuff :

  1. Slots

    1. Uru-Enhanced Shield

    2. Eidolon Warwear

    3. Invaders Photograph

    4. Aunt May's Cane/SHIELD Meditech Support Boots

    5. The Captain's Mask

  2. Uru def - Ancient of grove

  3. cosmic h/def

  4. Medallion

  5. if SHIELD Meditech Support Boots then sabertooth
    else Hydra/Juggernaut/Hulk/Doom
  6. Legendary

  7. shield of persus / excalibur
  8. Artifacts

  9. [item]234[/item] over idol 'cause of speed for the heal
    possibility new jugg arti if not jugg medallion
    [item]246[/item]/kung fu
  10. Volstagg

  11. Insignia

  12. wonder man/valkyrie

regen/min :
- Eidolon Warwear : 22599
- Aunt May's Cane : 13194
- SHIELD Meditech Support Boots : 5520
- basic + slot 1 = 2.9(speed with meta, 7 fighting)*98*60 = 16464 17052
- sabertooth : 3958
- super-soldier : 2400
- 7 durability : 540
=> 55785 (aunt) or 52069 (shield + saber)