Esper Pvp:Face-Melting at its Best 8)
This is a mobile lifesteal build that focuses on 50~60% uptime on Spectral Swarm & Geist since these will be your main form of lifesteal.
(T4)-This will be your main Psi point builder and as T4 it gives you 25% dmg as health.
(T4)-Main form of lifesteal with T4
(T8)- Go to Ability for dmg and snares on your foes. Try to always use this with 4-5 Psi points. I know this is a hard ability to use but once you use it correctly it can be devastating.
-Psi point generator and applies a Hot
-Knockdown ability.
(T4)- Other form of lifesteal with T4 and also gives you a 15% reduction in dmg. You want to keep this up as much as you can.
-Minimal dmg but roots up to 5 enemies. Useful for escape or to setup a 5 Psi point Reap.
(T1)-This ability has many uses. You will mostly use it for escape and CC Break out of stuns. Very useful when going up against Stalkers and Pressure Warriors.
Follow Through- Landing Finishers will net you a nice boost in assault power so make sure it counts.
The Power!-With a decent amount of crit you will have a 100% uptime. Remember More Moxie= More Damage.
Quick Response-This is your bread and butter Amp. This allows you to cut the remaining cooldown off your Spectral Swarm and Geist abilities. So get the crit chance up.
Spectral Swarm-Duh, can't use the ability without the Amp.
Bounce Back-You will take damage from critical hits. So why not get 34% of your health back when it happens. It's a 1 out of 4 hits chance so that's better than nothing.
Defense Maneuvers-You will dash, alot. So why not reward yourself with extra Dmg Mitigation.
Tactician-Again, You will dash. So why not reward yourself with a Magic Dmg/Healing Increase.
These Abilities/Amps can be switched out depending on which classes you have more trouble with while out exploring. I will update this with more info when I get more experience and talk to others and learn of their experience.
Let me hear your comments and opinions.