This build is untested, I will run it as soon as I am able, refine it, update it. Hopefully will be up to snuff within the first two weeks of launch.Intro.
Heya, I'm Rifk, will probably be Ourea in WS, but for the time being, I'm going by usual name. I love PvP, I was enamored with WoW arenas, and am thoroughly excited for the upcoming WS PvP (specifically everything). Now I've had very little opportunity to test any of it (outside of walatiki), but I've high hopes for this build in BGs and minor ones for it in arenas.Intent
My goal with this build is a highly mobile melee that can just ruin a healers day while clearing everyone else away. I've used the builder only, for the most part, so there might be some ineffective abilities/amps that I just don't know about yet.Abilities
: Let's start with our Kinetic Energy (KE) builder. Some of you might be wondering why I'm putting a support power based ability on my bars. Well, being a melee combatant can be pretty miserable, sticking to your target becomes more difficult the longer you're fighting them, and the
support KE builder gives 66% more KE than
the assault ability. It takes 6
to get a full KE bar, as opposed to 4
. That's two additional global cooldowns (GCDs) you could be using on much greater damage abilities. In addition,
has roughly 36% more base damage than
, which will soften the damage loss of using a support power ability over an assault power one (note: I'm 90% positive you will still lose damage on this trade, if you find you have more than enough KE without using
, do let me know!).
: This is a very solid KE dumping ability. It has high damage, it breaks the GCD for itself, and it can be that 2 GCDs you saved by switching to the support KE builder. I'm thinking of changing it, based on how the performance of my other abilities used go. It could potentially be CC, power link, or a defensive cd to help you live longer.
: If we were to make a bread and butter analogy, I'm pretty sure this is your butter, I might be completely misunderstanding the analogy though... This ability will use a bit of your KE, give you a 45% move speed buff, make you immune to the next cc someone tries to put on you, and do 2034 + 250.08% of your assault power over 3 seconds (took the number in there and multiplied it by the duration of the cast over the frequency of the ticking damage [6]) This is what you'll be spamming when you don't have Breaching Strikes available.
: Goodness, I love -healing debuffs! This should be on your target at all times if you can manage it (it can be difficult, as healers often have a dispel of some sort). The t4 point should help you maintain it (though the odds are stacked poorly with this one, It'd be much better if it was 15% on hit, but alas, life goes on). The t8 has yet to see testing on my end, but if the hit is harder than a healers heal, than you really want to stick this on a healer, and just wreck their roo.
: This is my favorite roo-wrecker EVER. Ranged execute, anyone? Pushes away teammates (which would break an esper's heals for certainly, maybe knockback interrupts all casts, I don't know. Try not to use this if your target is between less than four seconds away from being below 30%, four seconds of maintaining solid dps should be achievable, eight seconds and you're fighting the enemy healers cds. 150% assault power, noice. Guaranteed two attacks of it, also noice. Now it does say it does damage around the nearest foe, so if you can't really control who takes damage, this is going away exceptionally quick.
: But Rifk... why don't you have points in this instead of Tremor? it ends up dealing more damage because it hits twice! Well, while t8 points in
is larger damage, the difference between t1 and t8 for each ability means your points have a larger effect on Tremor than Breaching Strikes (maybe, I'll have to look into the numbers when I have a 50 warrior). Also, Breaching strikes relies on a critical hit, and while I like having the ability, I don't like needing the crit on it. If tremor turns out to be a dud (in terms of how I control it), I'll use those points in breaching strike. The 30% to have no cd is reliant on you critting again, but the pierces 70% armor is stupid strong, this makes the lightly armored into pudding, and the heavily armored in to tanky pudding.
: This is probably my favorite ability in the kit. A short (12sec) cd that reduces the damage you take by 28%, and moves you closer to your target or farther from your killer. Use this whenever you need the help in positioning or tankiness. It's funderful! Points in it would probably be a waste, maybe... it depends on how augmented blade/tremor pan out.
: This is here because CC fukn roons everything! Use this if you're cc'd and low on health (AMPS will heal you), or if your target is close to death and they're scramblin' for some escape cc.
: This is what I'm thinking of replacing
with. It'll give you a nice kit to get your target, and keep on 'em. Don't put points in this though, Bum Rush will give you pretty much the same snare (and another charge) for the same points, and it has a 40% shorter cd. Alternative replacements for
would be
. Note that you'd have to move your AMP points around for power link (pretty much only get this if Tremor falls short of its goal and, in a rage, you completely remove it from your bars. You shouldn't put points into either of these either, the t8 on both leaves much to be desired in a non pve setting, and t4 is mediocre for the same reason.
If the abilities had some testing required, the AMPs have all of the testing required. There are few things in this AMP build I'm certain of... I'll separate this section by AMP trees.
Assault(T1): 6% crit/12% crit damage (necessary in almost any warrior dps build, the crit is better than the crit chance if you have 50% crit, but I'm guessing a decked out warrior will have ~30% crit chance tops)
Assault(T2): Bloodlust/Power hitter, the more you crit, the bigger you git. Power Hitter improves your future crits, bloodlust improves all crits, think of it as a different kind of critical hit severity.
, really nice ability, if you end up going heavy breaching strikes, move this point over to
Kinetic Fury, or separate out a bit.
Hybrid A/U(T1): I'm pretty sure 6% armor pierce is going to be > 3% PvP offense.
Hybrid A/U(T2): Festering blade: This will help you stick to your target, and provide something else to be removed by cleanse besides your Augmented blade!
Utility(T1): 30% CC reduction, is frickn' noice! If you find your not getting cc'd much (which I kind of doubt) move these over to cd reduction or dash regeneration, both of those will be pretty nice.
Unyielding: You can no longer be dazed, this is 100% necessary for PvP, if you get dazed, you will never be on your target, ever. This is probably the best AMP in the warrior tree.
Speed Burst: double tap your barrel roll key 3 times to get a 30% move speed buff? Yes please.
Bust Out: Used with
, unless I'm mistaken, that says heal 112% over 4 seconds every 30 seconds. Oh vur pow urd.
Kinetic Drive: Get move speed from speed burst, get to your target, and use your sprint to maintain your KE.
Utility(T3): No Escape is a fun little trick that ought to help you secure kills. If these speed buffs stack you will move so quick! If not, consider moving this point elsewhere.
Hybrid S/U(T1): Bonus defense is nice.
Hybrid S/U(T2): This is really nice if you have a healer. If you don't, you probably shouldn't bother with it, put some points in Hybrid A/S to get Kinetic Burst or something.
Ok, so we've got this experimental build here, and we're looking to theorize what we'll be doing with it. You enter the BG, or arena, or warplot, and you're bloodthirsty. Let's start with arenas, because that is almost always going to be simple to pick up, difficult to master kind of stuff.
Step 1: Break line of sight, get behind something that will force the enemy to come towards you, or get your partner ready to do some enemy rushing! When they begin to approach, and prepare to
Step 2: Get on your target and build up that KE(
)! Choose who you're going to want to kill, this is a very short step.
Step 3: Get on your main target, get
up and start using
, switching to
when you crit. Through the AMPs you have, you should be able to slow your target while being crazy fast yourself. Note:
is important for interrupt armor as well as sustained damage on your target. If you're not around anyone, but it looks like they're about to cc you with something, pop this for move speed and an armor against said CC.
Step 4: 30% threshold on your target, you should have augmented blade available again, use it and start spamming
in the mix with your
Hopefully your target dies at this point, if you're running 2s with a 2nd dps and your target doesn't die in 25-40 seconds from step 2, you probably have died.
Avoid clusterfests. While your damage output might be large, your susceptibility to cc is larger. You only get 1 interrupt armor ever 3 seconds, and cc immunity for 3 seconds out of 40. You're not really tanky (even with
). Small skirmishes are your friend. 2-3 enemies at a time (tops). Mostly you'll want to spam
again, use
on healers or if you know a healer is around. If you have a friendly healer helpin' you out, you can venture into the clusterfests, but be ready to get out quickly if you need to.
From what I've seen, these are almost exclusively clusterfests, just do as much damage as you can, Tremor should really mess with their heads.
SO, this is a PvP build that I will most probably use in arenas over anything else, but again, all is subject to change based on the testing performed at level 50. This space will be used to describe the potential in different partners for 2s and 3s teams. Esper seems out of the question for arenas in general. A squishy immobile class seems desperately bad. Sharpshooters have narrow but long fields, and are highly mobile, a really good one would probably be optimal. Medics have short range, wide fields, and are probably the most mobile healing class. Stalker would be decent for 2s since they have really strong fight reset capabilities and cc. I will probably try Warriorx2 at one point, but I'm not optimistic. Engineer would be interesting but probably slight less ineffective than 2 warriors.