Base. It's the bread and butter of this and any tanking build to be honest.
Tier 8. This is the one and only suit power spender on this build. Tier 8 makes it a spamable ability as the second press if done in under 2 seconds costs no suit power. It is also our number 1 Self Healing ability. The more mobs around you the more damage you do, the more damage you do the more you get healed.
Base. Pretty straigt forwards. 35% Deflect increase. Hooray for deflects.
Tier 8. You use this on cooldown, mainly for the weak but for the Suit Power returns as well. Tier 8 is for more Support, that mean more damage more heals more awesomeness.
Tier 4. Pretty much an awesome ability. It's a must for eveyr build in my opinion. Suit Power regen + Deflect chance. Use is situational. You can either use it on cooldown or keep it for some extra healing on you in tight spots that you healer is a bit preoccupied.
Base. Obvious Usage. Interupt Armor and a nice pull.
Base. Tank must always run 2 Interupts.
Base. It's way better than
. Bigger range and it is not just a Taunt. It puts you at the top of the Aggro List so you can keep building your threat.