Rains' Esper Healer Build (BGs) esper healer pvp
Esper Guide by Rains Last update at Jan 13th 2017, 20:17

  • Current Level 0 /50
  • Ability Points 0 /0
  • AMP Points 0 /0
  • Elder Gems 0 /17
  • 0
    • = Locked by Tier
    • = Unlocked but Locked by Parent
    Max Health Assault Power Support Power
    Brutality 0000
    Finesse 0000
    Moxie 0000
    Tech 0000
    Insight 0000
    Grit 0000
    Strikethrough Chance 0% Critical Hit Chance 0% Critical Hit Severity 0% Deflect Chance 0% Deflect Critical Hit Chance 0%
    Stat Calculator still in beta.
    Found wrong or missing information? Please, feedback or email [email protected].
    • 1. Runes
    • 2. Additional comments


    Additional comments

    Your main healing style with this build is spamming Bolsters on the whole group and make sure you have a Mental Boon running at all times, hitting as many allies as possible. You also need to make sure you are casting a Soothe as often as possible to apply amps (especially Inspiration). Reverie should be used only when you need the burst healing.

    Keep in mind that the biggest strength of this build is that most of your healing keeps going on even if you get in a long CC chain. I tend to get focused a lot, so this build works for me much better than Soothe/Reverie spam (which is a lot more focus intensive as well).

    You can also try out this amp build if you don't feel like you get enough Tactician uptime, or you are being focused/interrupted a lot:

    But in general you should try your best to increase Tactician uptime.

    I highly recommend using either Healie or AllySelector (addons) to target low HP allies for Bolster spam.

    Sometimes I also tier down Mental Boon to T4 and take Reverie T4 if I feel like I need more burst healing.

    For any questions - you can find me in-game, or on either the EU or NA PVP discord.