- 1. Introduction
- 2. Spells And Combos
- 3. Gear
- 4. End Note
So my name is Bootydestroyer, i play on Shatigon EU server and have been playing the game for only 2 months or so. I made this guide for myself to remember what spells i have to use. With the mass amount of views i got i decided to change the "(Only Skill Points)" title to a In-Depth PvP guide with some text and information for you guys. The spells i use are to me the best for open world PvP but feel free to change anything for your own desire and playstyle. And don't forget to THUMBS UP this guide if you liked it. It would help me out a lot and keeps me motivated to make more amazing guides for you guys! Feel free to ask any questions about the guide, i will try to answer as soon as possible.Spells And Combos
For the people who've seen my Hex Ranger Guide before will notice i copy and paste the archery info in this guide because for every archer guide the information is almost the same. So i decided to copy and change it a bit to suit the primeval theme. I hope you guys understand.Lets start with archery:
Many of the archery skills are a must on every archery class that's why i won't put a lot of information next to them.
Every archer has this, an easy spell which can be used in between for a nice slow and some extra damage which also has a combo with a lot of other spells.
Combo with
If you don't have this as a archer you're doing the wrong thing as this is the ability which makes archers viable.
A nice damage buff for 30 min, don't forget to reactivate whenever it's not on.
Crowd control for pesky melee classes like Darkrunner, Bladedancer Etc.
Optional crowd control which can be used to catch someone off guard or to cancel someone channeled ability.
Very nice aoe spell which also shackles anyone near the target. Very nice versus mages who you can interrupt when they use any ability.
In PvP this is a game changing ability since you will be immune to fear for a short time and gives you a nice critical rate buff.
To keep you mobile.
Having a chance to dodge abilities is always nice as a main damage source.
Very nice permamnent range buff.
Gives a nice permananet critical damage and chance increase.
Gives the whole archery tree a damage boost
Next is Shadowplay:
Use this when you need to reposition yourself or right after a melee class used his gap closer on you.
Use this on an out of position enemy to deal increased damage on the target for you and your team.
This is a must for every class who run shadowplay in their class.
Extra mobility and attack speed which are amazing for archers and also gives immunity to poison mainly for enemy archers who use
Since the nerf the 50% reset chance is gone so use this only as an escape and nothing else.
Always nice to have increased evasion after you succesfully evaded an enemy melee attack.
As i said before archers always crit so this is just icing on the cake.
Last is Auramancy:
In my previous "Only Skill Points" guide i used this without since i thought you would only use this before the fight to gain the max stacks for the short time fights. Since 3.0 the fights tend to be way longer and having at max stacks always before and during the fight is amazing.
This is optional and gives survivability against mages.
Use this as a gap closer or escape.
This is what you use against melee classes instantly after they used their on you so they can't combo it with and kill you. Always keep this in mind and put it on a keybinding you can quickly use.
put this on a keybinding you can instantly use to give yourself time to escape.
An extra teleport to mainly use as an escape.
This is what i run in 3.0 to always have at max stacks in fights.
As for combos there aren't a lot as a primeval:
With this combo the problem is that you won't be able to get it all on 1 target. The combo goes like this into into into as you can see it's a long combo with a few seconds of debuff on the target so i wouldn't use this at all in PvP because you will put all your damage on cooldown.
Instead of that use to give out free DPS to enemies and use , , , and whenever you feel like to kill someone quick, who's out of position.
I like to split the gear in 3 available sets because not everyone can afford the most expensive and best gear and not everyone just started with playing archer and needs some starter gear. So i like to split in these 3 categories: "End game gear", "Mid game gear", "Early game gear". The end, mid and early stands for how much gold you can spend on gear in this guide.Let's start with the Early game gear. I think that the auroria gear is amazing for everyone who just started to play archer since it gives some nice archer buffs that only this gear has and i also affordable for many players also try to get this gear at least to heroic to be viable in PvP, so either buy it at heroic or regrade it yourself:
Second is the Mid game gear. Amazing gear which you can craft into End game gear if you put the time in it. Try to get this on at least Celestial and Tier 3 so either buy it or regrade it yourself. Don't go higher than Tier 3 at celestial else it will be a waste. If you're still planning to go higher than Tier 3 make or buy it at at least divine. Yes you already know it it's the obsidian set with auroria waist and wrists. If you plan on upgrading your obsidian gear to Ominous or Higher try to have your obsidian gear on celestial first:
Waist (If you owned the "Early game gear" already you have this already on heroic so this is nice to keep and regrade to celestial)
Wrists (If you owned the "Early game gear" already you have this already on heroic so this is nice to keep and regrade to celestial)
Third is the End game gear. I myself prefer to buy the whole set but if you want to craft it just keep in mind you need to do a lot of grinding and need the proficiency for the pieces and it's not even guaranteed you will get it since you get This and it will randomly choose 1 of the 7 Ayanad pieces. Since it's a set you obviously need 7 of each sealed item. With such a low chance of getting the End Game Gear Set we want and also having to regrade it to at least epic. It's not worth AT ALL to craft it so grind the gold and buy it on the auction house whenever it's available. Keep in mind this is END GAME GEAR so it will be expensive as hell, for example: Ayanad "Epic" Typhoon will cost you between 30 and 100k gold per piece because of the rarity there isn't some standard price for it so the seller decides what the price will be.
As for a bow there are only 3 options again which synergizes with the set you chose:
Early Game (Heroic or higher)
Mid Game (Celestial or higher and upgradable)
End Game (Epic or higher)
As for Right and Off-hand weapon always go Shortspear and Dagger.
As for abyssal skills, i'm not sure if i have enough knowledge about it since i recently changed to Darkrunner. I'll try to ask friends of mine for help and keybinds are coming soon.
Great guide, can you talk more about abyssal skills and keybinds ?? Thxs!!
No problem if you have any further qustions or need any tips just ask
WoW thank you for this great guide :) Now i see what i was doing wrong with my lvl 37 Prime;)