Versatility Build 2.1 dare devil dps leveling pve pvp
Guide by musogi Last update at Jan 11th 2014, 12:14

Points Available: 0
Man Without Fear 1
1  60
Spin Kick for the awesome slow.

Triple Strike now hits in a cone, and deals the most damage of all his melee abilities. I use this as my "basic".

Opening Lunge - good damage plus a stun. I use it as my main movement power for getting around. Action Roll only for the buff or getting out of crowds.

Can only toss 1 club at a time now, so... Rebounding all the way. Good damage and applies a dot. Club Throw is obsolete.

Man Without Fear is dumb now. I have no interest in a mega dodge build.

Radar ping now only scales in duration. The bonuses are a flat 10%. Another 1 point wonder now.

Club sweep is probably going to remain shitty until his review.

They can't seem to make up their mind on how to rework this guy.